Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Power and the Promise

I spent today at a beautifully repurposed space at YAI in South Portland attending a Sowing Seeds workshop presented by The Institute for Humane Education .  It was a great mix of lecture, discussion, and activities exploring the arenas of animal rights and welfare, media literacy, environmental issues, and consumerism.  To be encouraged to think critically and temper it with kindness...what a concept.  I would recommend this group to anyone looking for more guidance regarding their own choices/dilemmas regarding "doing the right thing" and how to communicate the far reaching impacts of how we choose to live.  As part of the workshop we received the book The Power and Promise of Humane Education and I bought Above All Else, Be Kind, both by Zoe Weil.  The second one is about raising children to be compassionate and aware and intra/interpersonally powerful in a challenging time.  It is pretty mindblowing to think of Maisie as a changemaker...although she already is as she has transformed me.    

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