Friday, February 27, 2015

Some of the Things That Have Distracted Me From Attending to This Blog or How My Pagan Ways Brought Snow to Maine

As Spring approaches I get melancholy and suffer in the throes of my self-diagnosed  SAD (seasonal affective disorder) Atypical. I LOVE Winter. This winter started off extremely promising with measurable snow on the ground at Thanksgiving, but by Christmas-nada. On 12/27/14 I predicted in a month's time the ground would be covered. It wasn't, but I was only off by a week or so. After a long ski weekend back home to the Adirondacks it began to snow. 

 And snow. 

And then snow some more. 
love the fish bones pattern on the snow from the picket fence and the winter sun

 I attribute this great fortune to my purchase of lapel pins at Lapland Lake XC Center

 and my hanging snow altar.


You're welcome to my "snow mates".  For all the others, I encourage you to embrace Winter.

Exhibit A

she's from Georgia

but still gets her kicks from the white stuff

C'mon, get out and play.