Sunday, December 19, 2010


I have a cousin (in-law) who is such a dewey-eyed dreamer.  He is passionate and an idealist, but in a way that lets you know this is who he really is...even if sometimes it is torturous to his psyche.  He does not pretend to know all the answers or even all the problems.  I respect him for his convictions.  I pray "the system" and the heart breaking beauty of the world do not strip him of his genuineness and innocence.

Perhaps this is why I went back into Borders today to let them know they did not charge me ENOUGH for my purchases. Of course, I was hoping the whole time, they would say "Wow.  Thank you for your honesty.  Why don't you just keep the magazine-on us." Nada.

Tis the season for doing what is right-365 days a year.

Thank you Luke for what you bring to the table.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is This Biodynamic?

At the Urban Grange Hall we strive to be as organic and biodynamic as our level of knowledge and fortitude will allow.  Rudolf Steiner in his series of lectures about Agriculture advocated many things for the life of the farm as an organism.  The issue of healing is part of the whole of biodynamics. One way to promote healing within the farm is by "keeping our animals pastured in the open air, free to move and able to express their instincts" (Stella Natura, 2010, November ).


                                                Maisie blowing bubbles for the chickens

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Little Maine Insanity

Hello Friends and Family, 

Ok, as you may know, I have committed to jumping into the frigid waters of the Atlantic Ocean on December 31-again.  My father-in-law is planning on doing so as well, but I had to commit to putting my head all the way under.
I know. This is insane. What am I doing jumping into the near freezing waters of Maine ? Well, reducing carbon emissions, stopping our dependence on fossil fuels, and reinvigorating the American economy is important to me for the next generation, so I am joining in an effort to raise awareness about the reality of 
global warming and the benefits of fighting against it. 

I just read this morning that 2015 is the year by which some scientists estimate the Arctic Sea could be ice free in the summer (polar bears need sea ice to hunt). Polar Bears are my totem.
So, please join in and support my insanity. Last year, I raised the most money (as a non-employee), so "Thank you very much" for that. 
If you are inspired  to donate again this year you can go to:
There will be plenty of documentation so that you may see your support in action. 
Loads of good wishes to you and your families for the holidays!

Thank you, 

"Every morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an 
inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day."   E.B.White