Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Graphic Material

Here is a sampling of notes found recently in our home.

This is a note Maisie wrote to me after an injury she incurred while we were rough-housing.  It says Dear Momma, I still love you even though it was your fault and you pushed me off the bed. Thank you for apologizing, even though it was your fault. 
This is a grocery list written by Maisie with a note to myself superimposed on it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Live Well

I was stopped for speeding a few weeks ago.  I was keeping up with traffic, but was clocked in a speed trap. The way I looked at it, considering all the time I have spent driving for work in the last 8 years, I had been pretty lucky.  Being one of the speeders singled out by the speed trap felt like 'my number was up".
Surprisingly, I have found myself increasingly reticent to drive (for work) long distances or in remotely questionable weather. This has surprised me and  I am aware of a nagging worry of "if my luck ran out regarding the speeding ticket where else will my luck lag"?
Then I came across an article by Miriam Greenspan.  In it is a quote-"Life is inherently risky, and all we can really do is live well'.

 In addition, I comfort myself with watching reruns of the Mary Tyler Moore, Newhart and Bob Newhart shows-hearkening back to when I either didn't have any real concerns or they were of the nature of getting the feathering (with the curling iron/blow dryer) of my hair just so.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Time Marches On

Maisie, January 2012

Maisie, January 2008

Me,  sometime in 1963
Me,  january 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Leaning Towards Acceptance

I recently came across this idea.  It's called Kinfolk. It's visually and graphically beautiful. It represents in a stylized fashion what is most important to me. As an introvert I have always known that I am most comfortable with a few close and deeply meaningful friends sharing good food in a natural setting-talking, sitting quietly, doing something- anything, no limit to the content of conversation and letting this happen time and again over a number of weeks, months and years until there is a deep and rich tonal mellowness to the interactions.  Yet, there is a part of me that still struggles with trying to be the extrovert-larger than life and the life of the party. This dichotomy is present for me in my personal and interpersonal realms and my career/work stage. There are times when I can clearly see my way and other times when I strive toward what I know is not ME, but the me I believe I should be.  Sometimes, I am in the flow with the rightness for me or (righteousness perhaps) and other times I am mired in anxiety and discontent for either choosing "wrongly" or feeling at odds.  As I have gotten older, I have experienced the phenomena of "the more I know, the less I am sure" about a lot of stuff in life.  I am OK with that. Nothing is written in stone...

As a parent, I want to be able to give everything I've got...so far I have gotten more from my daughter- many examples of being in the moment, self mastery and regard, social skills...I just want to be able to ease in and let it all be and shake out to what is. And create a right livelihood for me and my family that enhances and reflects our lifestyles.
To that end, we had a small gathering of artistic people who shared good food, drink, space and conversation last night.  And they are moving toward their own level of acceptance-they might be having twins!  Thanks guys! Love you and good luck!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Let's Not Call Them Resolutions Necessarily...

The wheel has turned again and we are in the infancy of a new year.  Some would suggest this is the last year (See 2012 Mayan Prophecy).  I sure hope that it isn't.  There  is a lot I still want to either continue doing or begin doing.  The following is short sampler of what I have in mind:

  • Crossfit:  on my own and as time and finances permit, at a box.  I also am toying with the idea of doing an obstacle course type of race like this
  • Along with Crossfit comes the Paleo diet.  
  • Utilize our newly designed permaculture beds to our best benefit.
  • Get OUTSIDE as often as possible.
  • Plan and maybe even go on a trip-top contenders are California and Iceland.
  • Focus on writing as a viable income generator
  • Have fun and enjoy family and friends
  • Say Yes more often than I say No
  • ...
Exhibit A of how to live life on your own terms.