Sunday, January 27, 2013

By No Means an Exhaustive List of Things that Make 2013 Hopeful

A lot of people make lists of "The Best of..." at the turn of the year.  I've decided to try to take a  more optimistic look ahead and name some things that presently lead me to feel hopeful for 2013.

  • The Apocalypse didn't happen (OK, I guess that one is a little bit retrospective)
  • Politically- Obama, Hillary, and Jimmy Carter and the Council of Elders
  • My discovery, thanks to an election day purchase by my loved one,  of Crown Royal Black
  • Early detection
  • Senior Basketball (aka geezer ball)
  • Old dogs getting second winds
  • People's professional generosity and willingness to share what they know and have experienced
  • Finding Bigfoot (Animal Planet)
  • fireplace inserts
  • Marriage Equality
... to be continued...

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Truth?

In response to The Truthers who assert the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax staged by our government in order to emotionally rile up the American public against gun violence- which in and of itself is shameful and deplorable and does not inspire me to encourage these people to have any weapon, let alone a gun of any kind-I suggest the NRA and gun industry has gained the most from this tragedy to date.  Consider the political ramifications for a Democratic president who is gaining popularity.  More importantly, witness the increase in gun sales in the days and weeks following the shootings (also shameful and deplorable).  The only truth that seems evident to me is a lot of people are more concerned with putting their self-interests and greed ahead of common sense, the welfare of their communities and ultimately their own families.