I was stopped for speeding a few weeks ago. I was keeping up with traffic, but was clocked in a speed trap. The way I looked at it, considering all the time I have spent driving for work in the last 8 years, I had been pretty lucky. Being one of the speeders singled out by the speed trap felt like 'my number was up".
Surprisingly, I have found myself increasingly reticent to drive (for work) long distances or in remotely questionable weather. This has surprised me and I am aware of a nagging worry of "if my luck ran out regarding the speeding ticket where else will my luck lag"?
Then I came across an article by Miriam Greenspan. In it is a quote-"Life is inherently risky, and all we can really do is live well'.
In addition, I comfort myself with watching reruns of the Mary Tyler Moore, Newhart and Bob Newhart shows-hearkening back to when I either didn't have any real concerns or they were of the nature of getting the feathering (with the curling iron/blow dryer) of my hair just so.
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