Monday, February 6, 2023

Blue Collar, but Not a Blue Hair


 The past few months have been interesting.  In July we went out West, fulfilling a long-time dream. Returning to my professional job of nearly 19 years I was notified that my role (along with several hundred others) was being "RIF"ed- a victim of a reduction in force. 

At my next birthday I will be sixty years old. I don't picture myself as a senior and am taken aback and slightly amused when someone in the general public treats me as such. There may be a factor of ageism as I continue my job search. It's hard to tell since I haven't had to look for nearly two decades and I am keen on changing my field.  

Within days of leaving my professional job I returned to work as a long-term high school substitute teacher.  The director of the school, who is a friend, told me she thought I would do well with the students because I was "like a laid-back gray-haired dude". Translation: I wouldn't get into power struggles with them. The work was similar to a lot of the education and support work I have done, enjoy and am good at offering.  I didn't walk away from that job kicking myself because I had finally found my life's calling after 40 years. 

My next money-making effort was with UPS as a seasonal personal vehicle delivery driver. I am proud of this one because I proved to myself I am suitable for labor involving heavy lifting, physical activity and exposure to the elements.  Activities I'm adept at romanticizing.

These forays required learning new skills and routines, using new technology and forging relationships outside of my comfort zone. Evidence of my resilient, adaptable and curious nature.

I may be adrift, but I am not floundering. 

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