We've been adding some Waldorf-inspired activities and play to the repetoire around here. We made crayons, created a forest with stars to sleep in at night, and some homemade "sewing cards". Of course, watching Row, Row Row Your Boat on the computer is still a kick for some of us, too.
A community gathering place celebrating family, food, art, writing, nature, life, and hope. ...you'll be telling stories and they won't be false, and they won't be true, but they'll be real.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Hittin' the Wal-dorf!
We've been adding some Waldorf-inspired activities and play to the repetoire around here. We made crayons, created a forest with stars to sleep in at night, and some homemade "sewing cards". Of course, watching Row, Row Row Your Boat on the computer is still a kick for some of us, too.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Happy Birthday DLT and JAC..where ever you are.
Today is the birthdays for my grandmother, Daphne Lillian Thompson and my beloved cousin, Jack Allan Coloney. My grandmother died in the summer of 1989 from complications related to her gallbladder and my cousin disappeared in the summer of 2006 while camping in the Moose River area of upstate NY. One was in their 80's the other in their 40's... neither loss has been easier than the other and I reckon I think about one or both of them every day.
If, there is one thing, I have learned in living and in my work life, it is there is never enough time with those you love. One more day, hour, minute...when it is gone it still feels like you are being robbed. So, make the most of the time you have for yourself and your friends and family. The clock is ticking. Ignore it, but not life and love.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Breaking Trail
Over the past three days (so far) we have gotten about a foot and a half of snow. In an effort to minimize the number of "doggie dulies" deposited on the back porch because Abby's legs are so short, I made some pathways for her through the backyard with my old school wooden snow shoes from Havelick's in my home town.
Instantly, I was 12 years old trudging through the woods creating trails for our dog teams to train on. (Until we got one of these, circa 1968) The deep resonate thump of the snow giving with each step and the powdery glisten sifting up through the rawhide on the shoes and the hushed tone of winter enveloped me like a welcome home.
Instantly, I was 12 years old trudging through the woods creating trails for our dog teams to train on. (Until we got one of these, circa 1968) The deep resonate thump of the snow giving with each step and the powdery glisten sifting up through the rawhide on the shoes and the hushed tone of winter enveloped me like a welcome home.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Trials of Life
I don't know if anyone out there remembers the series, The Trials of Life, but it was pretty much full catastrophe living. I got so I couldn't even watch the ads due to the gruesome-ness. (I am even worse now.) Yesterday we had a live version in our backyard. For over three hours there was a Cooper's Hawk (or Sharp Shinned-hard to differentiate) killing, plucking, and disemboweling a pigeon-and not necessarily in that order. Maisie watched for a while with some interest. I was observing through the binoculars when I realized the pigeon was still alive and still struggling to escape. There were three other pigeons perched on the wires overhead...I couldn't tell if they were thinking they were the lucky ones or if they were witnessing while their compatriot valiantly fought for his life or perhaps they were standing vigil to assist him to the other side.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Driving back to South Portland from Portland this evening at dusk, I was reminded of my gratitude for the appreciation and support of public art to which the city aspires. Deering Oaks was aglow in the wonderful "oasis of lights" created by Portland artist Pandora Lacasse. It certainly softened the two hours I had just spent in the dentist chair.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Losing My Religion
HE and I struggle with how and what to introduce Miss M to with regard to religion and spirituality. The most important things to me is that she grow up to be kind, compassionate, just and peace-able. And it is my desire that she live in a world this is so. Unfortunately, that is not the reality (mostly because of "religion", fear, and greed). So, we've started a gratitude sharing time at dinner. We share what has made us happy this day. So far, she has said, books, reading, and Jack Brown (Jack is her bff at day care). Not bad for newly minted two year old.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year Baby

It's been snowing all day and most of yesterday with the real weather predicted to hit us tomorrow into Sunday. Seems appropo as two years ago, Miss Maisie arrived in a snow storm.
Today, we celebrated the new year, the new decade, and this little person who has let her little light shine onto our world so brightly.
Winter birthdays require flannel; no birthday party is complete without a dj; a birthday crown, and the little bundle at two days old.
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