Saturday, October 3, 2009

Up Against Morality: Psalm 139

As many of you may know there is a referendum coming up this November in Maine challenging a law that was passed this spring giving all people the right to marry in Maine. It is about equality.
A christian (?) led group called Stand for Marriage is leading the opposition and raised enough signatures to force a referendum vote. The gist of their fight is: gay marriage weakens traditional marriage; gay marriage will be taught in schools, a church would be required to marry anybody who asked them to do so, and homosexuality is morally abhorrent.

The only people hurting marriage, any kind of marriage, are the two people in it. My relationship in no way threatens yours and if it seems as though it does, you, as a couple, have some work to do-on your end, not mine. As for gay marriage being taught in schools-so what? More importantly, I don't think this would be the case. I was never "taught" about marriage and marriage law in school. Were you? The third point is false; there is a clause in the law that protects religious freedom and institutions can limit who they perform services for...of course the members of your relgious community would be the ones being discriminated against and may leave the fold because of it, but, hey, at least you would be protecting sanctity. And finally, this type of moral argument is is a moral of HATE.

For you are fearfully and wonderfully made... Psalms matter who you are or who you LOVE.


Unknown said...

I agree whole heartedly! The arguments against gay marriage are ridiculous, paranoid and hateful! The hypocracy of the "religious right" is astounding. I wish you, Heather & Heather, a beautiful ceremony and a life time of happiness together with your daughter Maisie and all of your other family & friends.

Jean Coloney said...

apparently "marriage" doesn't mean much to heterosexuals, as many cheat on their spouses, seems to me gay/lesbian marriages are actually more committed to each other...all humans have a right to make decisions for themselves