It is said that we in the world of the living are closer to the world of the dead on this night- the veil is thinnest on all hallow's eve. There sure are a lot people I miss and would like to visit with (if it didn't mean scaring me to death). I've been thinking a lot tonight about a Halloween when I was very young, maybe 3 or 4 years old. There was a party in the basement of my grandmother's house across from the Atomic in Mayfield, NY. I remember there was all the fun sensory stuff...jello brains, eyeball eggs, pasta guts... then someone came upstairs and saw that the barn behind the store across the street was on fire. My cousins and uncle raced over, but they still lost a number of animals. This is the way I recall it, unfortunately the list of folks I can ask details about this event is REALLY slim. I also remember riding in an old red Willy's jeep with my uncle and parents, sometimes, and my cousins others times. Always on dirt roads requiring 4x4 power...man it was great! That must be where my love affair with the older SUV developed- that and Mac McClarey's mustard yellow 70's era Ford Bronco. And I remember rootbeer floats and one vivid dream-like memory of a witch on a broom stick flying over the full moon out the back window above the station before it was remodeled.
Perhaps it is true about the veil being thinner tonight...memory road seems to be on my GPS.
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