Saturday, January 31, 2009


Remember in Webster's, means to be mindful of, to think of again, to keep in mind for attention.  Member means being part of a whole.  Therefore, when we remember someone, we are inviting them back into the whole-into the group, and they are once again with us; the relationship is transformed, but they are indeed re-membered among us.

So it is in this spirit, I invite you to remember your loved ones. May we feel their love and presence and they ours.

Yesterday was the two year anniversary of my mother's passing. And Monday, January 26th was the birthdays of my grandmother and my cousin, so I have been keenly in a remembrance frame of mind.  The "great trees" I have known, loved, and lost include my father, my mother, my grandmothers, Junior, Jack and Jackie, Peasely and Ike, Leo, Emma, Suzy, Mike, Watu, Betty, Laurie, Chuck and Viv...I REMEMBER them.

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