For the past few years I have been interested in Crossfit. I've taken an "On Ramp", which just about killed me but also showed me the degree to which I have to focus in a workout to see results and I did-shaving off about 3 minutes of one of the workouts in about 3 weeks time. For me, the cost of joining a "Box" is outrageous and impractical. I pay 150% less at the "globo gym" I go to. Sure, I don't have the group experience, but that's ok for me and I might not have all the Crossfit related equipment, but I scale most WODS (workouts of the day) anyway so I am happy where I am at, for now at least. The biggest boon came for me when I changed my eating. There is still room for improvement but I use My Fitness Pal to stay below a caloric intake and try to eat more on the Paleo side and I have lost about 40 pounds, dropped a few sizes and generally feel better than I have in years. I have some aches and pains, mostly knees that get banged up in basketball (Senior Games), but even those are better because of my diet and working out.
Here is a sample workout I did today. I call it Bringing Sexy Back.
warm up: 13 mins. elliptical trainer
strength building: chest press: 5 sets as many reps as possible adding weight each set until you can only bang out one rep max ( I got to 80lbs of weight not counting the bar on the Smith machine )
For time: 3 rounds of: 5 mins on Crosstrainer GO HARD
21 swiss ball hamstring curls
21 hollow rocks (a type of sit up)
7 dumb bell biceps curls with heavy weight ( I did 25 lbs.)
GO HEAVY...go with it.
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