Sunday, April 27, 2014

This Old House -Sorta.

I have replaced our toilet paper holder for the third time.  I would like to share some things I learned about the process.  I am certain a more clever (or less tired) person could adapt this list into life lessons with minimal modification.

1. After you gather the tools you think you are going to need, you will not have all the tools you will need. This will necessitate several trips to the garage and back.

2. At some point you will realize you don't own some specific gadget that would make this installation a hundred times easier.

3. The instructions will be missing (at least) one vital step, similar to google maps tendency to leave out one often critical turn.

4. Something in the pre-packaged supplies will break or be missing.

5.  You will misplace a tool or piece of hardware at some point and loose several minutes searching for it-could be anywhere.

6. When installing a toilet paper roll holder specifically, the metal doohickeys that screw into the wall should face backward i.e. the dull, not the shiny part, faces outward.

7.  There is a pretty high likelihood the tiny screw that holds the posts tight will break off.

8. There is also a high likelihood that some small seeming irrelevant "tool" that came with the kit will break or bend or crack.

...but when all is said ( %#*&@) and done (see photo) you realize it's the small comforts in life that matter in the end (no pun intended).

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