Saturday, November 24, 2012

There's an old familiar feel to the air tonight-actually all day it has been there.  The sky is different, the leaves or lack thereof is shifted...the air, everything screams late November.  When I suggest it is an old feeling, I mean old.  Ancient, in the bones memory that is pre-verbal and primordial.  It has always been this way for me.  Winter, cold, chill, ice, Earth standing hard as iron and water like a stone-these are the things that simultaneously ground me and fill me with elation.

I have been subsurface giddy all day looking at my weather icon on my iphone showing snow for two days next week. On the flip side of that coin is my less subdued anxiety and agitation when we do get some of the white stuff and it is pummeled by rain or mixes with freezing rain before the blanketing is completed.

For someone like me, the effects of global warming robs us of our innate nature. I identify with the polar bear, among other Artic dreamers who find themselves cut off from their spiritual succor. (Although I am aware for Polar Bear it is a matter of physical life and death-and ultimately ours as well, no matter what the nay-sayers may state.)

Ullr hear our prayers.

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