Saturday, November 19, 2011

I Blame Daktari

Daktari  is one of the first television shows I remember watching.  Mostly, I remember Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion and the Jeeps, Range Rovers, Land Cruisers.

In today's current state of affairs with gas costs and environmental concerns regarding traditional motor vehicles, I can't really justify having a vehicle like that of my own.  If I were more mechanically handy or had unlimited income, I would look into some of the specialized dealers in these type of all terrain vehicles that have been retro-fitted or designed to burn bio-fuels.  But auto-eroticism leads me to fantasies of Ford re-issuing their iconic first generation Bronco with a Prius-type engine at a $15k price tag.

1974 Ford Bronco

Here are two photos taken in the last few weeks of vehicles I've seen around.  It's like porn for auto -philiacs.

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