Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Birthday and Morbidity Compression

I celebrated a birthday this week. I realize this birthday has taken me one step closer to the end of the road versus the middle of the road (being optimistic).  It is difficult to remain blissfully in denial of mortality when the celebration is bookended by heart monitors, stress tests and cardiologist's visits. In an effort to lengthen the road and slow the pace to the finish, I have been exploring Crossfit, Paleo-diet, and the Primal Blue Print.  One concept, addressed on the Primal Blueprint site, I found compelling, is that of "morbidity compression".  Basically, the last 7-10 years of life, is spent in an increasingly debilitated state-lack of mobility, health, and vitality. Mark Sisson summed it up with "Spock said "Live long and prosper" but Grok says "Live long and die".  So, my new focus is to compress this time of morbidity and decline...stay healthy, vital, mentally intact, and mobile to a good ripe age and then croak. My epitaph, if I am lucky, will say " I was alive when I died. ".

A most important reason to "compress".

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