Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who Says Folks Don't Dress for Travel Anymore?

Style.  Style is different than fashion.  Fashions come and go, but style is a constant.  Cary Grant had it.  Jackie O, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Sean Connery... Part of the appeal of Mad Men on AMC is the clothes and the manner in which the characters deport themselves.  People sometimes lament the lost golden era of dressing for dinner or for a plane trip.  Those lost bits of civilization leave us nostaligic for something we may never had had to begin with.

Some people have the style kevorka and know how to employ it-even in this day and age and even when simply going to the Miss Portland Dinner for an impromptu Labor Day breakfast with family.

And it obviously make them very happy!

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