Friday, July 31, 2009

Cold Antler Farm Fiddler's Summer comes to fruition

This is my entry for Cold Antler Farm's Fiddler's Summer contest. And a photo of my muse. I did break down and buy myself a new violin last weekend. It really does seem to make a difference and it didn't break the bank even though it was about 6.5 times more than I spent for the ebay student special I started on.

Thank you to my family and neighbors for their patience now and in the future as I continue to hone my skills.

1 comment:

MEhikah said...

Wow! You've come a long way baby! I do think the upgrade in violins helps... but you've done a nice job teaching yourself. Best of luck to you in the contest. By the way, your muse is adorable! What great colors on her.