Sunday, May 24, 2009

Music Market

I was just sitting out on the back porch having a little bonding moment with Abby (There are fewer of these than she would like since Maisie came along). In the neighborhood directly behind us, someone was playing When the Saints Come Marching In on a trumpet.  It sounded great.  Yesterday Maisie and I were at the farmer's market in Portland and along with the produce there was also a number of musicians: a clarinet player, two kids playing a guitar and a violin, a kid on an electric guitar, a cello player, two mandolin players and singers,  and a drummer with two belly dancers.  They were spread out over the course of the market that wends it way through Deering Oaks Park so they were not in direct competition for audiences.  Maisie seemed enthralled by the clarinet, me the violin.  I am thinking about taking harmonica lessons($20/hour and guaranteed) because I want Maisie to be able to entertain herself and others if she so chooses (and me thinks she so chooses) Listen to these sisters from Sweden. Music is as good company as reading, writing or making  art.  Charity begins at home and so does the "creative economy".
Go forth and make tune for all the world.

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