Sunday, August 25, 2024

Across the Miles

 There is something in the light today that keeps drawing me back to my hometown of Mayfield, NY. More specifically, Dennie Loop and my grandmother's house. Perhaps it's the hazy quality of the light today, or a quiet Sunday afternoon in late August enkindling this bout of homesickness.  This yearning is always triggered by clouds, the light, a breeze, the color of trees in autumn, the smell of water or roasting chicken...whatever the catalyst, I intuit that it is not some random misfiring of my grey matter. It is a message across time and space, a commandment to slow down, tune in, remember or re-member, an invitation to rejoin the core and essential part of who I am and who I hope to be. A celebration of what I am made of.  Allowing all of it to wash over me sure does feel good and quenches an existential thirst-a thirst I wasn't aware of until had a drink. A  bittersweet and restorative tonic.