I listen to a wide array of podcasts, and a few are about spies and espionage. On a recent episode the story was about the terrorist threat that launched the liquids rule for air travel. The narrator was sharing a situation where a suspected terrorist was being watched as he would go into a wooded area of a public park in the wee hours of the morning. Eventually, it was discovered that he was burying supplies to make bombs. Seems on brand, right. Not as much was the struggle the guy seemed to have in figuring out the digging of the hole: after he and his cronies were busted the investigators, discovered he had gone into the forest and poured water on the ground believing that would magically make the dirt disappear and they uncovered on his computer searches for how to dig a hole.
Imagine...the actions of this mastermind have dictated how much shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen, etc. you can carry with you on vacation. If only the nefarious would use their powers for good instead of evil.