Sunday, January 10, 2010

Losing My Religion

HE and I struggle with how and what to introduce Miss M to with regard to religion and spirituality. The most important things to me is that she grow up to be kind, compassionate, just and peace-able. And it is my desire that she live in a world this is so. Unfortunately, that is not the reality (mostly because of "religion", fear, and greed). So, we've started a gratitude sharing time at dinner. We share what has made us happy this day. So far, she has said, books, reading, and Jack Brown (Jack is her bff at day care). Not bad for newly minted two year old.

1 comment:

MEhikah said...

I am happy to have Maisie in my life. Thanks again for having me over for a visit the other day. I enjoy spending time with all of you. I am continually entertained and awed by Maisie's growth & development. You two have a wonderful daughter!